Switch to the Best


The Vision of Chint Uganda

Quality first, customer upmost, fair competition, harmony and sustainability of our products

Code of Conduct

The board of directors and top management take the responsibilities for making decisions on strategy and management. In accordance with the principle of “Efficiency first considering justice”, the combined decision-making style of person decision and group decision is adopted;

Production and operation management is aimed to resolve three problems: “What”, “How many” and “How”.

Product development and design: Employ the two-level development system to continuously develop new products, persistently improve product quality, shorten development period and reduce development cost;

Production & operation system: Build a production & operation system frame which is most suitable for the enterprise and shall become its fixed assets at maximum speed and minimum cost.

Team building: Establish a professional management and technical team with common corporate culture, high sense of innovation, strong expertise and international perspective.